Place des Arts has a whole range of programming geared for families with children of all ages for very reasonable prices. Known as 'PDA junior', families with kids as young as 3 can enjoy a fun, interactive play for just 8$ a person, or 25$ for a family of 4. I think it sounds like a great way to introduce children to theatre. It seems like most of the programming is only French but since a lot of families in Montreal are bilingual or want to expose their children to more French, it should be a great experience. Some things are a little more expensive but for the most part seem pretty reasonable.
- Place des Arts, various theatres
- 175, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montréal, QC H2X 1Z8
- check the program on their site to see when the various shows are available.
- various shows have different age specifications but start at 2 and up.